📊 Delay paying Corporation Tax if your company plans to reinvest its profits. Could this mean a 0% Corporation Tax in the future? Get a tax guide here.
💼 Get your e-Residency card and go completely paperless with your company. You can digitally sign all your letters from authorities, handle documents, carry out business correspondence, encrypt data, and communicate securely with your partners.
💱 If you’re looking to offer cryptocurrency-related services like exchanges or digital wallets, obtaining a cryptocurrency license in Estonia is a breeze.
🏦 Opening a bank account has never been easier, whether it’s in Estonia or elsewhere, with the help of Eesti Consulting. No more hassle!
How to start a company in Estonia
Starting a company in Estonia offers various registration options. In this article, we’ll focus on the most commonly used business structure in Estonia: the limited liability company (LLC), also known as “osaühing” or abbreviated as “OÜ.”
There are 2 different ways of this method. A founder will meet a notary or we will act as an attorney. To act as attorney, in the name of the client we need to get notarized and apostilled Power of Attorney. Then we will order a certified translation of this document to the Estonian language. Then the notary will prepare an application of establishing a company, the memorandum of association and articles of association.
We recommend a company registration through an e-Residency card. See this video to explore how to apply for an e-Residency card
Visit e-Residency Marketplace to compare all legal service providers and choose solution for your company
Get a free certificate of tax residency ( worth: 100€ – you pay: 0€) if you choose Eesti Consulting as your legal advisor and company formation agent. Coupon code: #FREETAXRESIDENCY
Recruitments of a company in Estonia
Business name of the company
Company may have only one business name
The company name must contain the appendage “osaühing” or the abbreviation “OÜ”
The appendage or abbreviation must be visible at the beginning or end of the business name
The business name of the branch of a foreign company shall consist of the business name of the company and the phrase “Eesti filiaal” – Estonian branch
Management board
The management board may have one or several members
A member must be a natural person
A member need not be a shareholder but a member may be a shareholder too.
Every member may represent Estonian company in all transactions unless the articles of association prescribe that some or all of the members shall represent Estonian company jointly
A transaction made between an Estonian company and a member of the management board is not valid
if the supervisory board or shareholders do not agree to the transaction ( exception is in the event of
every day economic activities undertaken by Estonian company according to the market price of a service)
Share capital
At least 2500 € as share capital of OU company. ( in the event of providing a cryptocurrency-related services – the share capital shall be at least 12,000 €)
A contribution may be monetary or non-monetary
The minimum nominal value of a share is 0,01€
The share capital may be paid to your bank account located in Estonia or outside Estonia (only within the European Economic Area)
The share capital shall be registered in the Estonian Business Register and declare at the Estonian Tax and Customs Board
You can use share capital to pay for business expenses and costs of a company but is not permitted to pay dividends from share capital to shareholders
You have a right to deferring of share capital payment for up to 10 years if you meet these 2 conditions: ****All founders are private members AND ****The share capital is less than or equal to 25,000€
Start a company in Estonia as a ready made business!
A ready made company, also known as a shelf company or an aged company, is a business entity that has been registered but has remained dormant, typically without engaging in any significant business activities. These companies are pre-registered by a formation agent or service provider and are often offered for sale to individuals or businesses who wish to have a pre-existing company rather than going through the process of incorporating a new one.
Typical ready made company for sale
A typical ready-made company for sale, like this Estonian company priced at €900, offers several advantages to entrepreneurs and businesses. These companies are pre-registered, in this case, dating back to 2019, ensuring they are in compliance with local regulations, which can save valuable time and effort. The purchase price often includes the state fee, such as the 260EUR mentioned here, making it a cost-effective option. However, it’s important to note that notarial fees and certified translations are typically not included in the purchase. One significant benefit is that these ready-made companies usually come with no civil or tax liabilities, providing buyers with peace of mind and a clean slate to commence their business endeavors.
Register a company in Estonia with the assistance of Eesti Consulting
Purchase a set of corporate documents regarding your company (Certificate of tax residency, Apostille, True copies of corporate documents, Article of Association translated from Estonian to English)
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The amount of Estonian tax revenues from the e-Residency system increased by 1/3 compared to 2020 according to estimates of the state agency Enterprise Estonia, which is a record since 2014. Companies founded by natural persons from all over the world who are registered e-residents paid EUR 17.5 million to the budget of the State of Estonia.
Lauri Haav, managing director of the e-Residency program, says the results are delivering more ambitious goals, as well as the fact that existing e-resident companies continue to grow and expand, and e-residents continue to create thousands of new businesses each year. many of which show many international promises.
1/5 of the new businesses were founded by e-Residents, Haav said.
Lauri Haav, who became head of e-Residency last December, said: “In the last three years, almost 20 percent of all private limited companies registered in Estonia were founded by e-residents.”
“In addition, the program has significantly contributed to the expansion and diversification of the Estonian economy,” Haav said, according to a press release from Enterprise Estonia.
E-residents are customers originating in the US, Finland, Sweden, Russia and Ukraine, topping the table, which, as Enterprise Estonia points out, covers a relatively large range of countries in terms of development and wealth.
Andres Sutt – IT and entrepreneurship minister said: “The e-Residency programme has spurred innovative rethinking of traditional business models and provides a flexible platform for a new generation of entrepreneurs”
Most e-Residency companies are small, agile, said Lauri Haav, especially in high-value-added sectors such as IT. The program has attracted enthusiasts of new technologies, security, as well as the Estonian business community, which is already known for its transparency and minimal bureaucracy, says Enterprise Estonia.
E-residence and lockdown
The e-Residency program was launched in December 2014. The purpose of the program is to provide stakeholders with secure access to Estonia’s e-services, as well as enabling digital signature, payment of taxes, establishment and registration of companies.
The e-Residency card is a digital ID card and is no different than that of Estonian citizens. At the moment, the application base is 80,000 e-residents, which gives a total of 16,000 established companies. The coronavirus pandemic made the e-Residence program a perfect fit. In a situation of local restrictions – many Europeans have problems with performing activities at the notary’s or visiting offices. E-residents say goodbye to this problem, because they handle all official matters remotely, including even granting a power of attorney in the e-Notary Service – adds Paweł Krok Eesti Consulting OÜ
Firma w Estonii to genialny pomysł dla polskojęzycznych klientów, ale nie dla każdego. Decyzja o założeniu spółki w Estonii powinnna być skonsultowany z doradcą podatkowym lub radcą prawnym . Nie trzeba nikomu przypominać, że firma w Estonii powinna mieć uzasadnienie ekonomiczne oraz gospodarcze.
Eesti Consulting nie zdecyduje się założyć takiej firmy dla osób, które prowadzą rzeczywistą działalność gospodarczą w Polsce – z uwagi na rozmaite ryzyka podatkowe – m.in stałe miejsce prowadzenia działalności VAT oraz ryzyko powstania zakładu podatkowego.
Estonia oferuje atrakcyjne warunki dla prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej i nie bez powodu zajęła 3. miejsce pod względem wolności gospodarczej w Europie w 2023 roku. Kraj ten zawarł aż 62 umów o unikaniu podwójnego opodatkowania w tym z Polską.
Tak jak wspominałem – założenie spółki w Estonii zwłaszcza przez polskiego rezydenta podatkowego powinno być poprzedzone doradztwem prawno-podatkowym, ale należy wskazać, że wielu Polaków mieszka przecież na stałe za granicą , będąc rezydentami podatkowymi Państw trzecich i to głównie do nich kierujemy naszą ofertę. Zobacz nasz artykul o firmach zakladanych za granica przez Polakow.
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Portale internetowe
🌐 Platformy online oferujące różnorodne treści, usługi lub produkty, dostępne dla użytkowników za pośrednictwem internetu.
Ile firm zaklada sie w Estonii
Wykres przedstawia liczbe zalozonych firm w Estonii na przestrzeni lat 2014-2020.
Ile Firm zostalo zalozonych przez Polakow?
Umowy o unikaniu podwójnego opodatkowania z Estonią
Lista krajów, które zawarły umowy o unikaniu podwójnego opodatkowania z Estonią
Albania 🇦🇲 Armenia 🇦🇹 Austria 🇦🇿 Azerbejdżan 🇧🇭 Bahrajn 🇧🇾 Białoruś 🇧🇪 Belgia 🇧🇬 Bułgaria 🇨🇦 Kanada 🇨🇳 Chiny 🇭🇷 Chorwacja 🇨🇾 Cypr 🇨🇿 Czechy 🇩🇰 Dania 🇫🇮 Finlandia 🇫🇷 Francja 🇬🇪 Gruzja 🇩🇪 Niemcy 🇬🇷 Grecja 🇬🇬 Guernsey 🇭🇰 Hongkong 🇭🇺 Węgry 🇮🇸 Islandia 🇮🇳 Indie 🇮🇪 Irlandia 🇮🇲 Wyspa Man 🇮🇱 Izrael 🇮🇹 Włochy 🇯🇵 Japonia 🇯🇪 Jersey 🇰🇿 Kazachstan 🇰🇷 Korea 🇰🇬 Kirgistan 🇱🇻 Łotwa 🇱🇹 Litwa 🇱🇺 Luksemburg 🇲🇹 Malta 🇲🇺 Mauritius 🇲🇽 Meksyk 🇲🇩 Mołdawia 🇳🇱 Holandia 🇲🇰 Macedonia Północna 🇳🇴 Norwegia 🇵🇱 Polska 🇵🇹 Portugalia 🇷🇴 Rumunia 🇷🇸 Serbia 🇸🇬 Singapur 🇸🇰 Słowacja 🇸🇮 Słowenia 🇪🇸 Hiszpania 🇸🇪 Szwecja 🇨🇭 Szwajcaria 🇹🇭 Tajlandia 🇹🇷 Turcja 🇹🇲 Turkmenistan 🇻🇳 Wietnam 🇺🇦 Ukraina 🇦🇪 Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie 🇬🇧 Wielka Brytania 🇺🇸 Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki 🇺🇿 Uzbekistan
Rejestracja spółki w Estonii powinna być poprzedzona wnikliwą analizą umowy o unikaniu podwójnego opodatkowania. W przypadku osób mieszkających w Polsce będzie to oczywiście polska umowa o unikaniu podwojnego opodatkowania.
Możliwość korzystania z e-rezydencji, prosty proces rejestracji firmowej oraz przyjazne środowisko biznesowe to tylko niektóre z zalet, które możesz znaleźć tutaj. W tym artykule omówimy wszystkie te aspekty i jeszcze więcej.
Oto jest pytanie. 99% klientów, z którymi mam do czynienia decyduje się na otworzenie spółki z o o. w Estonii. 1% klientów zadaje pytania w stylu:
Drogi Panie, a czy jak założe jednoosobową działalność gospodarczą w Estonii to czy w Polsce będę płacił ZUS?A czy będe mógł zoptymalizować ZUS? A czy firma w Estonii daje prawo do emerytury [głodowej]? A czy mając firmę jednoosobową w Estonii to ja będe mógł podejśc do lekarza , żeby wypisał mi skierowanie na badania?
Odpowiadam: NIE WIEM Uzasadnienie: Zajmuje się w 99% przypadkach osobami prawnymi i prawem estońskim i nie mam możliwości czasowych aby śledzić zmiany prawa w Polsce.
Wybierz rodzaj firmy: Na początku musisz określić rodzaj swojej przyszłej firmy. Może to być spółka w Estonii – taka jak spolka z o.o. (OÜ) lub jednoosobowa działalność gospodarcza (FIE) – z zastrzeżeniem, że formę FIE preferujemy wyłącznie dla osób z miejscem zamieszkania w Estonii.
Zarejestruj firmę w Estonii: Następnie musisz zarejestrować swoją firmę w Estońskim Rejestrze RIK (Äriregister). Wypełnij odpowiednie dokumenty i opłać opłatę rejestracyjną – alternatywa – zakup gotową spółkę w Estonii.
Otwórz konto bankowe dla estonskiej firmy: Kolejnym krokiem będzie otwarcie konta bankowego dla Twojej nowo utworzonej firmy – Swedbank AS, LHV PANK, WISE albo Revolut.
Uzyskaj identyfikator podatkowy: Po otwarciu konta bankowego otrzymasz identyfikator podatkowy dla twojej firmy od estońskiego Urzędu Skarbowego (EMTA)
Opłać kapitał zakładowy: W przypadku spółki z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (OÜ) musisz wpłacić minimalny kapitał zakładowy w wysokości 1 eurocenta.
Zarejestruj się jako podatnik VAT: Jeśli planujesz prowadzić działalność, która podlega opodatkowaniu VAT, musisz zarejestrować się jako podatnik VAT w Estonii.
Zatrudnij księgowego: Prowadzenie rachunkowości i rozliczanie podatków może być skomplikowane. Warto zatrudnić profesjonalnego księgowego, który pomoże Ci w tym procesie.
Założenie firmy w Estonii może przynieść wiele korzyści, które przedstawiamy poniżej:
E-rezydencja: Estonia oferuje program e-rezydencji dla przedsiębiorców zagranicznych. Dzięki temu możesz zdalnie zarządzać swoją firmą i korzystać z usług bankowych online.
Niskie koszty prowadzenia działalności: Estonia jest znana ze stosunkowo niskich kosztów prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej – Stawka podatku dochodowego to 20%, ale Estonia oferuje odroczenie zapłaty podatku do momentu wypłaty dywidendy – tak jakby podatek 0% – nie ma wypłaty dywidendy – nie ma zapłaty podatku.
Przyjazne środowisko biznesowe: Estonia jest uznawana za jedno z najbardziej przyjaznych środowisk biznesowych na świecie. Proces rejestracji firmy jest prosty, a administracja państwowa działa sprawnie, czego dowodem jest błyskawiczny kontakt z tutejszym urzędem skarbowym – Rekord to czas oczekiwania na certyfikat rezydencji – 3 godziny!
Wsparcie dla start-upów i granty- Estonia słynie z innowacyjności i rozwiniętej infrastruktury technologicznej. Możesz skorzystać z nowoczesnych rozwiązań technologicznych do prowadzenia swojej firmy, a także sfinansować działalnosc za pomocą grantów o których więcej tutaj
Jak zarejestrować spółkę w Estonii? Przez internet czy przez notariusza? A może odwiedzić średniowieczny Tallinn i zwiedzić stare miasto? Poniżej przestawiamy formy rejestracji oraz ich charakterystykę.
Forma rejestracji
Za pomocą karty e-Residency
Aplikacja o kartę estońską trwa od 3 do 8 tygodni i proces związany jest z wypełnieniem formularza aplikacyjnego tutaj. Następnie kartę trzeba odebrać w ambasadzie w Warszawie przy ul. Karwińskiej 1 – link do strony ambasady. 🏢
Wizyta w Tallinnie
Przed przyjazdem proszę umówić się z nami na spotkanie – wcześniej potwierdzimy możliwość wizyty u notariusza – a następnie zaprosimy Państwa na spotkanie, po którym to zarejestrują Państwo firmę w Estonii – o ile taka forma będzie możliwa – preferujemy raczej założenie spółki za pomocą metody pierwszej lub trzeciej. 🏢
Pełnomocnictwo [metoda zdalna]
Założenie spółki w Estonii przez pełnomocnictwo notarialne (POA) udzielone naszemu pracownikowi, z którego będzie wynikało, że możemy reprezentować dyrektora i udziałowca. Pełnomocnictwo notarialne musi być udzielone bezpośrednio w Kancelarii Notarialnej, i jeśli będzie to na terytorium RP – nie trzeba uzyskiwać klauzuli Apostille – wystarczy akt pełnomocnictwa. Następnie po wysłaniu do nas oryginału – przekazujemy dokument tłumaczowi przysięgłemu, który sporządza papierowe lub elektroniczne tłumaczenie. 📅
Ambasada Estońska w Polsce – gdzie jest i po co jest?
Ambasada Estonii znajduje się w Warszawie przy ul. Karwińskiej 1. Pan Margus Tsahkna jest Ministrem Spraw Zagranicznych Republiki Estońskiej od dnia 17 kwietnia 2023 r. Pewnie wielu z Państwa zechce odwiedzić ten budynek, ale w jakim celu? Otóż w celu odebrania fizycznej karty e-Residency. Podczas odbioru karty trzeba złożyć odciski palca tak jak jest to przy odbiorze paszportu.
Ile trwa założenie firmy?
Polscy klienci pytają nas ile trwa założenie firmy w Estonii. Nie jest łatwo odpowiedzieć na to pytanie. To zależy od wielu czynników, np. czy firma jest rejestrowana za pomocą karty e-Rezydenta czy też za pomocą notariusza. Poniżej prezentujemy przybliżony czas założenia spółki w Estonii.
Ile kosztuje założenie firmy w Estonii? 🇪🇪
Założenie firmy w Estonii nie kosztuje dużo pieniędzy. Na koszt rejestracji składają się 2 opłaty: opłata skarbowa – administracyjna , która trafia do rejestru RIK oraz opłata dla Eesti Consulting za adres rejestrowy (Legal Address) oraz usługę Contact Person.
Typ Założenia
Ile trwa zalozenie?
Założenie firmy z kartą e-Residency
234€ (opłata za założenie) + 265€ (opłata skarbowa) 🏢
🚀 Szybki Start – Załóż firmę w Estonii w 3 dni w 1 dzień – Wypełnij formularz tutaj lub porozmawiaj online, aby dowiedzieć się więcej na temat rejestracji firmy w Estonii
💰 Załóż Konto Bankowe – Otrzymaj dokumenty korporacyjne od Eesti i Otwórz konto bankowe w Estonii 100€ 0€
⚖️ Darmowa porada – Zapytaj o kwestie podatkowe lub prawne podczas zakładania firmy w Estonii – 0€
📄 Certyfikat rezydencji podatkowej
🧠 Otrzymaj do 1000€ na start-up – Eesti pokaże Ci, jak zdobyć dotację od UE na rejestrację znaku towarowego w Estonii lub UE (zmniejsz opłatę państwową o 625€ – przeczytaj więcej na blogu e-Residency)
Polecamy wszystkim naszym klientom korzystanie ze sprawdzonego programu do fakturowania, który został wyprodukowany w Estonii oraz jest na bieżąco aktualizowany
Smart Accounts to oprogramowanie, które wspiera zarówno płatników VAT jak i firmy, które są zwolnione z VAT-u z uwagi na obroty poniżej progu wejścia do VAT. Ceny subskrypcji zaczynają się już od 5 EUR, lecz polecamy Państwu pakiet “Smart Prepaid” , jeśli spółka ma mało transakcji
Rezydencja podatkowa w Estonii
I nie chodzi tutaj o zmianę rezydencji podatkowej osoby fizycznej. Dostajemy mnóstwo zapytań w poniższym stylu:
Chcę zmienić rezydencję podatkową – jak to zrobić?
Jak zmienić polską rezydencję podatkową?
Odpowiadam: Wyprowadź się i to nie sam, ale z rodziną poza polski kraj! 🇵🇱
W niniejszym artykule nie będe rozpisywał się na temat rezydencji podatkowej osoby fizycznej, ale za to rozwinę temat rezydencji podatkowej osoby prawnej. Jak wygląda sytuacja rezydencji podatkowej w Estonii i dlaczego Estonia jest nietypowym krajem wraz z sąsiednią Litwą🇱🇹 oraz Łotwą🇱🇻?
Rezydencja podatkowa osoby prawnej jest zdefiniowana w Ustawie o podatku dochodowym w Estonii – oto bezpośredni link do ustawy tutaj
“§ 6 (2) A legal person is a resident if it is established pursuant to Estonian law”
Jeżeli zarejestrujemy społke w Estonii – na podstawie powyzszego paragrafu spółka traktowana jest jako rezydent podatkowy w Estonii . Zaraz po rejestracji jestesmy w stanie pomoc Panstwu otrzymac certyfikat rezydencji podatkowej .
W Polsce jesteśmy przyzwyczajeni do innej definicji rezydenta, która zawiera się w art. 3 ust. 1 ustawy o CIT. Cytując ustawę mamy:
Podatnicy, jeżeli mają siedzibę lub zarząd na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, podlegają obowiązkowi podatkowemu od całości swoich dochodów, bez względu na miejsce ich osiągania.
W Polsce przepisy szerzej zakreślają rezydencję podatkową, w Estonii jest to to kryterium miejsca rejestracji. W przypadku, gdy dochodzi do kolizji prawnej – to znaczy Estonia uznaje spółkę X za rezydencja podatkowego oraz Polska uznaje X za rezydenta podatkowego – znajdzie zastosowanie bilateralna umowa o unikaniu podwójnego opodatkowania pomiędzy Polską a Estonią
Rozwiązanie znajdzie się w art. 4 tejze Umowy “Miejsce zamieszkania lub siedziba”. Przepis ten mowi nam,ze “osoba mająca miejsce zamieszkania lub siedzibę w Umawiającym się Państwie” oznacza każdą osobę, która zgodnie z prawem tego Państwa podlega tam opodatkowaniu z uwagi na miejsce zamieszkania, miejsce stałego pobytu, siedzibę zarządu, miejsce rejestracji albo inne kryterium o podobnym charakterze”.
Wszystko rozwiązac powinien nam art. 3, którego literalne brzmienie to:
“Jeżeli, stosownie do postanowień ustępu 1, osoba nie będąca osobą fizyczną ma siedzibę w obu Umawiających się Państwach, to uważa się ją za mającą siedzibę w tym Umawiającym się Państwie, z którego prawa wywodzi się jej status.”
Eesti Consulting zaznacza, ze w/w informacje nie są doradztwem podatkowym i są to ogólne informacje wynikające z Ustawy Estońskich, Polskich oraz umów bilateralnych i jesli klient je stosuje, robi to na własną odpowiedzialnośc. Dodajemy,ze nasza oferta przeznaczona jest dla kancelarii prawnych, doradcow podatkowych, ktorzy to oferuja klientowi swoje rozwiazania po uprzedniej weryfikacji stanu prawnego.
Zakładanie spółek w Estonii powinno miec zdecydowaną motywację biznesową -a więc powinno się miec uzasadnienie gospodarcze. Prowadzenie biznesu pod spółką Estońską, gdzie stałe miejsce działalności jest w Polsce – jest abuzywne i stanowi naruszenie prawa.
Nasza firma nie oferuje żadnych rozwiązań podatkowych. Zapraszamy do zapozniania się z artykułem eksperta – Paweł Krok na portalu INFOR.pl , który w 2023 roku był respondentem ankiety przeprowadzonej przez bank światowy WORLDBANK – projekt B-READY.
Podatki w Estonii
Estoński CIT – czym to się je?
Estoński CIT 0% w Estonii [Nie w Polsce 🇵🇱] polega na tym , że jakiekolwiek zyski osiągnięte przez spółkę na przestrzeni roku podatkowego są odroczone z podatku dochodowego dopóki nie nastąpi wypłata dywidendy. Nie ma tutaj żadnych ograniczeń i wyłączeń. Odroczenie to dotyczy zarówno aktywnych źródeł przychodu ( Zyski przedsiębiorstw – działalność operacyjna firmy) jak i pasywnych ( w tym odsetki, dywidendy i należności licencyjne). Warunkiem, żeby skorzystać z tego zwolnienia jest posiadanie zarejestrowanej spółki w Estonii oraz podjęcie uchwały o przeniesieniu zysków operacyjnych na kolejny rok obrachunkowy oraz rezygnacja z wypłaty dywidendy.
Stawka podatkowa
0% *
* Odroczenie z podatku dochodowego do momentu wypłaty dywidendy
Podstawowa stawka podatkowa od osób prawnych
Specjalna obniżona stawka podatku dochodowego od osób prawnych , które regularnie wypłacają dywidendy
Komentarz Eesti Consulting
Nie trudno o uzasadnienie takiego zapisu – skoro zwolnienie podatkowe przysługuje spółkom estońskim oraz zakładom – wiele podmiotów mogłoby się pokusić o transfer aktywów do innych krajów – bo np. w Estonii jest zakład jakiejś spółki zagranicznej, a w innym kraju jest właściwy podmiot. Spotkaliśmy się przy okazji wykonywania rozliczeń rocznych z praktyką braków faktur zakupu za niektóre usługi, które naszym zdaniem były wątpliwe – tzn. w zupełności nie były związane z prowadzonym przedmiotem działalności. W naszej opinii spółka wtedy musi opodatkować podatkiem dochodowym zyski w części, w której brak jest związku kosztów z działalnością.
Podatek VAT w Estonii w 2024 roku
Stawka VAT
Wiekszosc towarow i uslug w Estonii (22% Od 1 stycznia 2024, Estonia podwyższa standardową stawkę VAT z 20% do 22%
Stawka obniżona ma zastosowanie głównie do sprzedazy książek, gazet, usług zakwaterowania oraz medykamentów.
Sprzedaż unijna na zasadzie INTRASTAT, transport międzynarodowy, lotniczy ,strefy bezcłowe
Limity wejścia na obowiązkowy VAT
Nie przekraczasz limitu – masz podmiotowe zwolnienie z podatku VAT , ale jest mnóstwo pułapek,np. zakupy usług z innych Państw UE. Tutaj sprawa wygląda tak, że pomimo korzystania ze zwolnienia z podatku VAT – należy odprowadzić estoński podatek VAT od zakupu usług – np. jeśli zamawiasz usługę reklamową z Google AdWords z Irlandii!
Opis limitu
Sprzedaż towarów i usług na terytorium Estonii
40,000 EUR
Akwizycja w przypadku towarów
10,000 EUR
Akwizycja w przypadku usług
Nie dla każdego firma w Estonii
Firma w Estonii nie jest dla każdego. Jeżeli działalność jest związana z Polską i tutaj wykonuje się działalność operacyjną, nie zalecamy rejestracji spółki w Estonii – gdyż takie działanie jest abuzywne i nieetyczne.
Jednakże swoją ofertę kierujemy głównie do doradców podatkowych, radców prawnych , a także specjalistycznych kancelarii, które zajmują się oferowaniem rejestracji spółek za granicą i jak wierzymy – zajmują się tym profesjonalnie, dbając o dobro oraz interesy klienta.
Być może wielu z Państwa zechce zmienić rezydencję podatkową, przeprowadzając się do Estonii z rodziną na stałe. Być może wielu z Państwa mieszka już od wielu lat poza Polską i nie zapomnieli Państwo jeszcze języka polskiego.
Być może macie Państwo kontrahentów lub odbiorców w Estonii i potrzebujecie Państwo załozyć spółkę zależną w Estonii, postawić tutaj oddział polskiej spółki z o.o. lub zaistnieją inne przesłanki do rejestracji firmy w Estonii – tego nie wiemy.
Jednakże zapraszamy do współpracy z naszą firmą.
0% – podatek zerowy w Estonii – fake czy co?
Podstawowa stawka podatku dochodowego to 20%, a 0% to tzw. odroczenie podatku dochodowego. Zasada jest banalnie prosta. Nie płacisz podatku dochodowego jeśli nie wypłacisz dywidendy – podziału z zysku spółki. Zatem w przypadku firmy w Estonii, która inwestuje – mówi się tutaj potocznie, że nie płaci podatku dochodowego.
Na koniec prezentujemy stawki podatku dochodowego na całym świecie
Samolotem – Najprostszym sposobem jest skorzystanie z połączeń lotniczych, które łączą Polskę z Estonią. Loty są obsługiwane z kilku miast, takich jak Warszawa, Kraków, Gdańsk czy Wrocław, do Tallinna (Linie Lotnicze lot)
Autobusem – Istnieją bezpośrednie połączenia autobusowe między Polską a Estonią, zarówno z Polski do Tallinna, jak i do innych miast w Estonii. Przykłady to PolskiBus, Lux Express czy Ecolines.
Pociągiem – Można dotrzeć do Estonii również pociągiem, jednak wymaga to kilku przesiadek. Połączenia kolejowe między Polską a Estonią są obsługiwane przez przewoźników takich jak PKP Intercity, Lietuvos Geležinkeliai, czy Eesti Raudtee.
Samochodem – Można również dotrzeć do Estonii samochodem, jednak należy wziąć pod uwagę długi czas podróży i koszty związane z przejazdem promem między Polską a Estonią, który jest konieczny do przekroczenia Zatoki Fińskiej.
Język Estoński , czyli Tere Hommikust 🙂
Oficjalnym językiem w Estonii jest język estoński, którym posługuje się większość ludności. Język estoński jest ugrofińskim językiem, co oznacza, że jest spokrewniony z językami fińskim, węgierskim i niektórymi językami rdzennej ludności Syberii. Ponadto, w Estonii używane są również inne języki, w tym język rosyjski, który jest drugim najczęściej używanym językiem w kraju. Inne języki, które są obecne w Estonii, to języki angielski, niemiecki, fiński i szwedzki. W turystycznych miejscach można również spotkać osoby mówiące w innych językach, takich jak francuski, włoski, hiszpański czy chiński.
Otrzymujemy wiele zapytań: W jaki sposób otworzyć konto bankowe poza Polską? Jak oworzyć konto bankowe dla firmy zagranicznej w Polsce? Czy uda się nam założyć konto bankowe w Revolut dla spółki w Estonii? A dlaczego WISE wstrzymało przyjmowanie aplikacji o konto biznesowe? A dlaczego ja muszę jechać aż 2 razy do Estonii, żeby otworzyć tam konto bankowe, które przecież po 6 miesiącach mogą mi zablokować? Panie Pawle, a dlaczego otworzenie konta w Estonii tyle trwa? A Bo Mirek powiedział mi , że mu odmówili , bo nie miał klientów w Estonii. A bo Pani Renata w LHV już była i z niczym wróciła. Co jest grane z tymi kontami bankowymi w EST?
Odpowiadam: NIE WIEM.
Uzasadnienie: Nie znam stanu faktycznego sprawy i Twoich potrzeb biznesowych. Mam zatem kilka sprawdzonych kont bankowych oraz bramek płatniczych do przyjmowania płatności , które sprawdzają się świetnie. Chętnie doradzę w procesie otworzenia konta bankowego dla firmy z Estonii.
Worth it for seamless global finances: Borderless Banking, low fees, real exchange rates, multi-currency support in 80+ countries, and convenient local bank details. 🌐💸💳🌍🏦
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More than 200,000 clients are using banking services. Bank has the strongest investment and entrepreneurship experience.
Open bank account at LHV
Monthly maintenance fee – 0 €
Free of charge up to 50 SEPA payments
Debit card from 2€
Accepting card payments and payments in online stores
Payments via bank link
Rejestracja do VAT w Estonii
Rejestracja do VAT w Estonii przebiega bezproblemowo i zajmuje od 3 do 5 dni roboczych. Formularz rejestracji do VAT znajduje się pod linkiem – VAT Registration.
Najważniejsze szczegóły, które bierze pod uwagę estoński EMTA przy wydaniu numeru VAT EE
Czy spółka ma kontrahentów na terytorium Estonii?
Kontakt z urzędem podatkowym w Estonii jest bardzo przyjemny , gdyż to bardzo mały kraj i wszystko odbywa się przez pocztę elektroniczną. Poniżej przedstawiam kilka przykładów kiedy spółka otrzyma VAT, a kiedy może spotkać się z odmową. Dla klientów, którzy chcą pominąć procedurę do rejestracji do VAT , zachęcamy wejść do zakładki gotowe spółki – lecz oferta naszej firmy jest w jezyku angielskim.
Spółka estońska X dokonuje sprzedazy towarów z Norwegii do Szwecji . Wszystko odbywa się poza Estonią.
Tutaj absolutnie spółka dostanie odmowę zarejestrowania do VAT
Spółka estońska Y dokonuje sprzedaży usług do klientów biznesowych oraz zakupuje usługi marketingowe od estońskiego podmiotu
Spółka prawdopodobnie po zweryfikowaniu stanu faktycznego otrzymania numer VAT EE
Gdzie wyrobić kartę e-Residency i ile to trwa?
Wejdź na stronę https://apply.gov.ee/ oraz uzupełnij wszystkie pola swoimi danymi osobowymi. Nie zapomnij dołączyć wysokiej jakości zdjęcia do dokumentu oraz informacji dodatkowych takich jak profil LinkedIN , FB lub CV, które pokaże Twoje kwalifikacje i doświadczenie zawodowe. Oczekuj na zatwierdzenie Twojej aplikacji , a po 3-8 tygodniach odbierz ją z warszawskiej Ambasady przy ul. Karwińskiej 1 i zgłoś się do firmy, która pomoże Ci zarejestrować firmę w Estonii
Payment institutions are like special banks 💼 that help people and businesses send and receive money 💸. They need permission 📜 from financial leaders to work. They can help you transfer money 💵, change currencies 🌍, or use electronic money 📲. They also have tools 🛠️ to stop fraud and manage data 💽. These institutions are great for quick online payments 💻 and help those who don’t use regular banks 🏦.
💳 Set up payment institution in Lithuania with Eesti Consulting
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🤔 Payment institution or EMI License called?
The electronic money institution, often referred to as an EMI license or E-money license 💳, is a regulated financial institution designed to offer services connected to electronic money and payments. Holding the full E-Money license means there’s no expiry date and no restriction on the type of activity. When a company secures a license as an electronic money institution in Lithuania 🇱🇹, it gains the freedom to serve across the European Economic Area (EEA) without needing extra approvals in other EU nations. In essence, once licensed in Lithuania, the institution can expand its services to other EEA countries by opening branches there 🌍.
Services that need a license in Lithuania 🇱🇹
🔹 Depositing money into a payment account and managing that account.
🔹 Withdrawing cash from a payment account and all related tasks to manage that account.
🔹 Carrying out payment tasks, like transferring funds between different accounts, whether they’re with the same provider or a different one. This includes one-time payments, using payment cards, or setting up regular transfers.
🔹 Completing payment activities where the user has a credit line. This encompasses direct one-off charges, transactions via payment cards, or setting up repeated transfers.
🔹 Giving out or receiving payment tools.
🔹 Managing money transfers.
🔹 Handling payments where users approve transactions using phones, computers, or other digital devices. The tech or telecom company only acts as a go-between, connecting the seller of a product or service with the buyer.
Share Capital Requirements for EMI, PSP, and E-Money Licenses” 📈
Share capital
>= 20 000 €
Not less than EUR 20,000 if the payment institution intends to provide only money transfer services – transfers – “money transfer services”
>= 50 000€
Not less than EUR 50,000 if the institution intends to provide payment initiation services
>= 125 00 €
Not less than EUR 125,000 if the institution will provide services from the following catalog*
🏦 “Service allowing money deposits into a payment account and all necessary operations to manage it.”
💵 “Service that facilitates cash withdrawals from a payment account and all essential tasks to run that account.”
🔄 “Payment activities, which include fund transfers to accounts either within the same institution or to another payment service provider. This covers direct debits, transactions via payment cards, and setting up regular transfers.”
💳 “Transactions where the money comes from a user’s credit line. This includes one-time direct debits, card transactions, and regular transfers.”
🛍️ “Issuing or acquiring payment tools and handling payment transactions.
Authorization Process for Payment License in Lithuania” 🇱🇹📜
The Bank of Lithuania 🏦 takes an open approach to authorising payment institutions and other entities, initiating the journey even before the formal application lands on their desk. For those considering obtaining a license, the Bank advocates for early engagement 📆, offering a platform to understand which financial activities necessitate licensing. Early discussions set the stage for a comprehensive understanding of the roadmap ahead – detailing procedural steps 📋, critical requirements, potential challenges, and the Bank’s expectations 🎯.
The heart ❤️ of the authorization procedure is the submission of an application to the Bank’s Supervision Service. This step is accompanied by a rigorous review 🧐 of the submitted materials. Although the aim is to conclude this review within a three-month window ⏳, the need for supplemental data or documentation might necessitate additional time. Once the assessment reaches its conclusion, the Bank of Lithuania’s Board takes the reins, deciding the fate of the application – to grant the coveted license 📜 or not.
Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining an EU E-Money License in Lithuania” 🇪🇺📜🇱🇹
Certificate of incorporation
Power of attorney ( notarial deed)
Register of shareholders
Drafting of the articles of association
Beneficial owners list
Technical documentation of new fintech company
Company income statement over the last few years
UBO income statement for the last few years
Directors of the company
CV and professional experience
AML certificates
Current procedures regarding company wallet accounts
Fintech business plan
Company organizational structure
IT security – schemes
Financial forecasts in the form of schametes
Opening a bank account
Registration for VAT
Contract for accounting and financial statements
AML KYC CTS training
Risk management
Meeting with bank representatives
11 Advantages of Obtaining a PSP License in Lithuania” 🇱🇹🔑
1️⃣ Welcoming Non-Residents 🌍: Lithuania doesn’t mandate the company’s management board to be its residents.
2️⃣ Post-License Company Registration 📜⏭️🏢: Begin forming your company only after securing the license.
3️⃣ License First 📝: Submit the license application even before company establishment.
4️⃣ English Proficiency 🇬🇧: Documentation can be prepared entirely in English.
5️⃣ IBAN Access 🌐: Customers enjoy access to the IBAN system, receiving their own IBAN accounts.
6️⃣ PSD2 Ready 🔗: Embrace PSD2 to offer payment initiation service (PIS) and account information service (AIS).
7️⃣ Remote KYC & AML 🖥️✅: Use advanced tech for remote customer verification, like the systems used by Paysera or Mistertango.
8️⃣ SEPA Access 💶: Direct entry into the single payment area in EUR within the SEPA framework.
9️⃣ EU Gateway 🚪🇪🇺: Operate across the European Union with a single Lithuanian-issued license. Fun fact: Google has a license from Lithuania!
🔟 Grace Period for Newbies ⚖️🚫: No financial penalties during the first year for minor infringements by new businesses in the regulated sector.
E-Resident is an individual from a foreign country whose request for e-residency has been sanctioned by the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board, signifying the approval of an e-resident’s digital identity card. The status of an e-resident remains unaffected even after the expiration of the digital ID card
E-Residents Paid about 40M € Taxes
In the initial half of 2023, businesses owned by Estonian e-residents contributed 37.7 million euros in tax revenue, marking a 57% growth from the previous year. The e-Residency program has, to date, generated a total economic impact of 183 million euros for Estonia. Start company in Estonia with few clicks.
109,000 E-Residents In 2024 💳
Estonia boasts over 109,000 e-residents, with more than 28,500 Estonian companies established by them. In November 2023 alone, there were 1,240 new e-residency applications and 362 new Estonian companies formed by e-residents. The e-Residency Marketplace features 130+ global service providers.
TOP 10 e-Residency Countries
In terms of Estonian e-residency interest, 🇺🇦 Ukraine leads with 6,778 applications, followed closely by 🇩🇪 Germany with 6,499 and 🇫🇮 Finland with 6,037 applications. 🇷🇺 Russia and 🇪🇸 Spain also show significant interest, with 5,771 and 5,431 applications, respectively. Open e-Residency company in Estonia.
E-Residents Application 2014-2020
Companies launched by e-Residents 2014-2020
The Advantages of e-Residency Card 🇪🇪
Have you ever thought about applying for an e-Residency card? Please read carefully this post and discover the advantages of the Estonian e-ID card. 💡
Imagine two scenarios: 🌍
Martin does not have an e-Residency card. He needs to travel to a notary public in Tallinn in order to incorporate an Estonian company as a holding company. He needs to visit the SWEDBANK branch and spend a lot of money on flights and accommodation. Robert is an e-Resident card holder. He can incorporate the company wholly online, remotely from home, and file statutory documents such as accounts, VAT returns, and others. It is essential to apply for an e-Residency card earlier due to waiting for approval by Police Border Guard. The statutory period for accepting your application is approximately 30 business days. ⏳ Martin will apply for a Trademark Registration soon.
Application for e-Residency Card in 5 steps 📝
Fill out the application form and include a passport photo with the correct format and consistent with specifications. 📄
Conclude agreements between you and other counterparties. 🤝
Connect and log in to the e-banking services securely with e-ID – do not be afraid of phishing attacks – stop hackers from taking over bank account🌍 Where to Pick Up e-Residency Card? 📦s. 🔒
Fulfill statutory duties with the e-ID card – for example, submit Annual Reports in Estonia (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet) to RIK or do VAT Registration or file VAT returns to EMTA. 📈
Our company offers specialized translation services from Estonian into other foreign languages.
Sworn translations concern translations from Estonian into: – English – German – French – Spanish language – Italian language – Finnish language – Polish language
Our sworn translators have over years of experience, especially in legal translations. Usually, our translation orders concern translations of printouts from the commercial register – RIK, company agreements, lists of directors and shareholders, as well as translations of certificates of residence, corporate correspondence, as well as civil law contracts.
We also provide telephone and interpreting services, e.g. during visits to Estonian offices.
A company in Estonia with an account in Switzerland In connection with the development of the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19), entrepreneurs from around the world are looking for tax solutions that will ensure their continued functioning.
Bank account opening in Switzerland (remotely from your home country
Why the company in Estonia?
You don’t pay income tax (Corporation Tax) (0%) if you don’t pay dividends. You can issue invoices and earn income and you won’t pay the tax until the dividend is paid.
You can form and manage the company remotely if you are e-Residency card holder ( more about programme – here )
You can open the Estonian company remotely if you live in your home country if you will issue the Power of Attorney in the presence of the notary.
Stable banking system independent of political turmoil
Capital diversification – if the country in which you live – gets into financial trouble – goes bankrupt – you want to finance the deficit with taxpayers’ money – do you remember the situation of taxation of deposits from Cyprus in 2013?
Multi-currency account with debit and credit cards
The procedure
COMPANY FORMATION – You need file KYC AML form and provide at least proof of ID (passport or identity card – scanned copy) + proof of address f.e utility bill not older than 90 days – We form the company on behalf of you based on Power of Attorney or with your e-Residency card
ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS – We arrange the original documents – Apostille, notarized extracts – Article of Association.
REMOTELY BANK ACCOUNT OPENING – We will apply for the bank account on behalf of you . You need file KYC AML form and provide suitable documentation. Don’t worry – we will assist you.
In the case of an Estonian company that wants to open a bank account in Switzerland – the bank will ask for the following documents:
Extract from RIK – Commercial Register
The names of directors
The names of shareholders (if they are natural persons)
The list of beneficial owners
The nature of business (EMTAK codes)
Apostilled and notarized documents
Certificate of tax residency of the company
The bank account is opened remotely without visiting Switzerland. To do this, you must first contact our company, which will introduce you to the appropriate bank manager. Then the company and management board documents are sent to the bank. To confirm the customer’s identity, the bank will conduct one verification conversation, which is a video conference.
The bank charges fees quarterly and it is 120 CHF.
Minimal deposit is aprox. 10 000 EUR, you need paid this capital to bank account but when the account is opened -you can use this amount – amount is not blocked.
The bank offers the following currencies:
Swiss Francs
Russian Rubles
Others if you ask the bank manager
Yes, this account is secure. The bank offers access to electronic banking. Each customer receives a token – Digipass, which generates one-time codes for logging into the bank.
You’ve heard that it’s difficult to open a bank account for cryptocurrency services. Today we will tell you how to start preparations for opening such an account.
Customers who contact us say they are refused to set up an account. They set up companies in EU countries and then encounter difficulties in opening a bank account.
Is it even possible to open such a bank account?
HIGH STREET BANK It is crypto-friendly bank, who operates as traditional high street bank – financial institution
It operates under the E-Money License – it works like fintech apps – likes Revolut, Trasnferwise but it is crypto-friendly
We will help you estabilish bank account or PSP service for your cryptocurrency business.
A natural person is resident if one of the conditions is met: – the place of residence is in Estonia – the residence time in Estonia is at least 183 days per year
A legal person is a resident of Estonia based on the place of registration of the company
§ 6. Resident (1) A natural person is a resident if his or her place of residence is in Estonia or if he or she stays in Estonia for at least 183 days over the course of a period of 12 consecutive calendar months. A person shall be deemed to be a resident as of the date of his or her arrival in Estonia. Estonian diplomats who are in foreign service are also residents. A resident natural person shall pay income tax on all income derived by him or her in Estonia and outside Estonia, regardless of whether the income is listed in §§ 13–22 or not. [RT I, 06.07.2012, 1 – entry into force 01.04.2013]
(2) A legal person is a resident if it is established pursuant to Estonian law. European public limited companies (SE) and European associations (SCE) whose seat is registered in Estonia are also residents. A resident legal person shall pay income tax on the objects of taxation prescribed in §§ 48–52 and withhold income tax from payments listed in § 41.
The e-Residence card has no effect on the residence. This is only a document that allows you to sign an electronic signature and correctly identify when setting up a company or operating a bank account. Thanks to the e-Residence card, we have access to the Estonian market.
Yes – we offer this service. You can order a residence certificate with the official stamp and signature. You will need it when making payments to non-residents – e.g. if you avoid paying withholding tax in other countries.
The non-resident pays taxes only on remuneration obtained from sources located in Estonia – e.g. if the workplace is in Estonia – the non-resident has a limited tax liability in Estonia, and unlimited in the country where he is a resident, e.g. in Poland or Germany.
Director’s fee is taxed in the Estonia – is not important you are resident or non-resident. You need pay usually Income Tax in Estonia and social securities depending on your employment status. If you have other functions in other countries, you can present A-1 certificate and be exempt from the social security.
It may turn out that a limited company (legal entity) will have a residence not only in Estonia, but also in another country. It is the agreements on the avoidance of double taxation that resolve the conflict of tax residence – and in particular Article 4.
You need file the “R” form and sent it to EMTA (Revenue) when you change the tax residency or leave the country. This notification of tax authorities is mandatory.
Non-residents have a limited tax liability in Estonia, only the Estonian-source income is taxed.
Thus, where by reason of the provisions of agreement between two countries who have concluded a convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income , a person is a resident of both contracting states, his status shall be determined according to article 4 of the tax treaty. If the residency prescribed on the basis of an international agreement differs from the residency prescribed pursuant to the Estonian Income Tax Act, the provisions of the international agreement apply.
NB! The foreign tax authorities could determine PE – permanent establishment – to be in their country. If the Estonian tax board recognizes during control that Estonian company created by e-resident is operating in a foreign country and should pay it’s taxes there, EMTA will share that information with other country’s tax authorities.
Not every business model is suitable for the Estonian company. Our employees will advise you on how to minimize international taxation risks.
The certificate of residence and tax liability is issued by Tax and Customs Board from Republic of Estonia called in Estonian “Eesti Maksu- ja Tolliament”.
On the certificate of residence you can see the company name (“nimi”), company number (“registrikood”) and registered office address (“aadress”). The Tax and Customs Board confirms that OU company is a resident of Estonia according to the Estonian Income Tax Act for the purposes of the Estonian income taxation.
Every valid certificate of residency from Estonia needs to be signed by officer and to be stamped.
A beneficial owner is a natural person who owns the benefits of ownership even though right to some form of business is in another name. It also indicates any individual or group of individuals who, both directly or indirectly, has the ability to vote or control the transaction decisions regarding specific security, such as shares in a company
In the event of natural person holds at least 25 % shares in the company, he is treated as a beneficial owner. Most of the companies have only 1 director and 1 shareholder with 100% shares. In this scenario, the beneficial owner is the 100% shareholder, who are together the director of the company.
Look at the other example. Company has 5 shareholders:
A keeps 20% shares, B – 30%, C-30%, D – 10% and E – 10% shares
in the share capital of the company. Who is the beneficial owner of the company in this case? Only B and C candidates because they have more than 25% shares in the company capital. Persons called “B” and “C” should fullfill statutory duties and be appointed as “Beneficial Owners” to Commercial Registrar.
Private limited companies (OU companies)
Public limited companies
General partnerships
Limited partnerships
Commercial associations
Non-profit associations
European company and European Economic Interest Grouping
As article no. 384 (2) of the Commercial Code stipulates:
“(2) A branch is not a legal person. The company shall be liable for the obligations arising from the activities of the branch.”
The legal entity registered under foreign law is responsible for its branch and receiving information concerning the beneficial owners, who control the company. Branch of foreign companies is not obliged to appoint beneficial owners to Commercial Register.
Only subsidiaries belonging to companies listed on the stock market are obliged to appointing of beneficial owners.
Others – listed companies do not need to do it. If the not listed company has one shareholder – listed company
on the regulated market – you do not need to indicate the beneficial owner.
The beneficial owner’s data needs are submitted within 60 days of 1 September. The entered data of beneficial owners in the RIK can be changed, confirmed or added. Needed details of beneficial owners in case of private limited companies:
1) The name of the person
2) The personal code from e-Residency card
3) Country of living
4) Place and date of birth in the event if e-ID is not issued
5) data of the manner in which the person exercises control
Max amount of penalty for a natural person is 32,000 EUR for the failure of submitting UBO to Commercial Register.
We can help you manage corporate records to indicate correctly the Ultimate Beneficial Owners of the company. We need to do with diffirent ways:
as your Attorney ( on grounds of Power of Attorney ) – you will issue POA in your country of living in the form of notarial deed and post this POA to our estonian office)
as your Attorney ( you will grant access via RIK with using e-ID e-Residency card)
Another reason to work and do business in Estonia is the fact that it has one of the most flexible taxation laws in the European Union as well as the rest of the world. The 0% tax on retained and reinvested profits alone has got local and foreign investors on a rat race trying to squeeze their way through immigration just so they can have a piece of that proverbial “pie” of the Estonian economy. But there are more tax benefits from Estonian company that any investor could enjoy if he decides to start a business in Estonia that are just too good to ignore.
Corporate Income Tax
Labour Tax
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Personal Income Tax
As stated above there is no more corporate income tax on retained and reinvested profits, which means that local and foreign companies alike no longer have to pay this kind of tax to the Estonian government. Only distributed profits will be taxed at the amount of 20% of the net
amount (both actual and deemed).
Distributed corporate profits during tax period
Gifts, donations and representation expenses
Payments and expenses that are not connected to the business
Asset transfers of the business entity that has a permanent establishment in Estonia
(local or foreign) to its head office or to different companies
Labour taxes also called social taxes is 33% of the total the share of labour costs attributable to
income taxes and social-security contributions minus cash benefits. It is divided into 2 parts one
being the social security (20% of the labour tax goes here) and health benefits (13% of the
labour tax is allocated to this as well). Estonia also levies an unemployment tax to businesses at
0.8% is paid on the gross salary. The government also withholds an additional 1.6% tax from
the employee’s wages.
The standard VAT rate is 20% for a business or a taxable person (if
your business is just a sole proprietorship), then it can be reduced to 9% depending on the circumstances of your acquisition of goods.
The e-Tax System is not a form of tax law but just a means to easily and efficiently file your
taxes on an electronic platform on the internet. In fact, 95% of all taxes in Estonia are declared
online which makes government transactions from their agency that handles the taxes of
Estonia get processed smoothly.
There are 3 ways of setting up company in Estonia:
FOR E-RESIDENCY CARD HOLDERS – This way is dedicated especially for e-Residency card holders. Company formation remotely from your home country.
COME TO TALLINN AND GO TO THE LOCAL NOTARY – We will assist you if you come to Tallinn. Ask our staff about setting up of appointment in the notary office for company formation purpose.
STAY AT HOME AND PROVIDE US WITH PROXY – Issue Power of Attorney in the form of notarial deed in your country of living. Arrange courier postage and let us act in your name for company registration in Estonia.
1. Collect basic information about the company. Decide how many shareholders and directors there will be in the company. Select the subject of activity and decide if the share capital (2500 EUR minimum) will be paid or you will use a non-monetary contribution.
It is necessary to select a registration address in Estonia – a virtual office and a “contact person” – a legal person required if the board is outside of Estonia. The fee for the registration address and contact person is paid every year. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our packages.
Registration to VAT taxation can be volountary in the event the custommer will decide to register to VAT from incorporation date. In the event when business transactions exceeds 40 000 euros from the begining of calender year, the OU company needs to be VAT registered obligatory.
The company director is required to submit an application for VAT registration to the EMTA. In the case of voluntary registration – the tax office may ask the client about his clients and the connection with Estonia. In order to issue an EE VAT number – the office sometimes asks for contracts with contractors, invoices or commercial correspondence.
Opening an account in Estonia does not have to be difficult. We work with SWEDBANK and LHV banks – we represent our clients and help prepare for meetings with banquets.
The customer may wish to open a bank account outside of Estonia. In this situation, we have prepared an offer for countries such as Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Switzerland or Great Britain.
Many customers want to open an account on PSP – Payment Service Providers such as Transferwise or Revolut. Cryptocurrency companies (with issued license) do not have an easy way to open an account, which is why we have a specially prepared offer for high-risk businesses here.
Most of the e-Residents is looking for solutions for collecting payments from their customers. They consider highstreet banking vs fintech Payment Service Providers. The goal of this article is showing you the way of the opening bank account at LHV Pank – biggest domestic financial institution, employing over 400 people in Tallinn and Tartu cities, holding 177,000 clients.
If you are e-Resident card holder, please execute these steps
as follows:
Application need be signed electronically with e-ID software. Considering of application takes 7 business days. Then the bank will notify about the positive or negative decision. In the case of a positive decision of concluding the relationship, mandatory is visiting local LHV branch and present passport or EEA identity card for the purpose of signing the agreement.
Estonian banks treat KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML/CTS seriously.
Moreover, they want to check your connection with Estonia. If you are
non-resident and live out of Estonia and you won’t demonstrate that you have counterparties in Estonia, you can forget about setting up an account.
I will describe to you what is the method of explaining them your business presence in Tallinn.
1) Tax reasons for the opening company in Estonia and bank account is not indifferent.
2) Find your business partners on upwork.com or peopleperhour.com and outsource them your job. You can show the bank print-outs from upwork.com, quotes, invoices or cover letter.
3) Find your business clients in Estonia ( translate your website into Estonian language and show the bank that you have a business presence in Tallinn)
4) Use a trusted company formation partner (likes Eesticonsulting.ee). A trusted company will provide you legal address, that will be accepted by the bank.
5) Setup Estonian domain (.ee) and phone number (+372) for the purpose of contacting with counterparties.
The Ministry of Finance in Estonia changes the rules for issuing crypto licenses. The application is being reviewed from 30 to 90 days and the price from 345 EUR to 3300 EUR for one license – comments Paweł Krok – CEO at Eesticonsulting.ee.
[wpsm_quote author=”M. Helme from Ministry of Finance – Estonia” float=”left” width=”100%”]We have learned our lesson from the banking sector the hard way, and we must now deal with new international risks, with cryptocurrencies among the most urgent of these[/wpsm_quote]
The Ministry of Finance in Estonia changes the rules for issuing crypto licenses. The application is being reviewed from 30 to 90 days and the price from 345 EUR to 3300 EUR for one license – comments Paweł Krok – CEO at Eesticonsulting.ee.
The Estonian government introduced changes to the granting of cryptocurrency licenses. Minister of Finance – Martin Helme tells that this is only the first step in the field of prevention of money laundering. The bill
introduces numbered formal obligations. Application processing time will be extended from 30 to 90 days. Required will be company incorporation in Estonia or running a branch of a foreign company. Moreover, registered office address and board of directors need to be in Estonia. So far, the fee
stamp for the issuance of the license was 345EUR, and the amendment increases it 10 times to 3330 EUR from one license – adds Paweł Krok from Eesticonsulting.ee. Current license holders have a deadline until 31 December 2019 to fulfil statutory requirements under pain of withdrawal
license by the Estonian financial market regulator – Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU).
Ready this guide to know how to obtain e-Resident card smoothly from your home and run your business working worldwide borderless.
With e resident card you can register Estonian company remotely from home
With e-residency card you have to open remotely the bank account or PSP (Payment Service Provider)
You can put your digital signature on business documents and the signature will be valid worldwide
You can reserve .ee domain and approve all official documents -f.e file the VAT return, Income Tax return and financial statements to Commercial Register
You are not obliged to travel to Estonia for the purpose of company registration or for the purpose of obtaining business licenses
You can not travel to Tallinn for the purpose of the e-ID card. Receive the card from the local embassy located in your home country.
E-Residency card has not any impact for your personal tax residency in your home country based on bilateral agreements tax regulations.
e-ID is not a VISA
e-ID has not influence for your temporary residence permitt in Estonia.
You can not receive e residency card by post or by attorney , because the fingerprints are required.
[wpsm_numhead num=”1″ style=”2″ heading=”2″]APPLY FOR E-RESIDENCY CARD[/wpsm_numhead]
Go to website https://e-resident.gov.ee/become-an-e-resident/. You will need a copy of EEA card or Passport and motivation statement. Then you have to pay for the application fee €100. Then you will be patient because application review is made by Estonian Police & Border Guard Board in the timeframe of 6-8 weeks. The final step is receiving of e-Residency kit. You can collect it at the selected location, f.e in the nearest Estonian embassy in your country of living.
[wpsm_numhead num=”2″ style=”2″ heading=”2″]CHOOSE YOUR PROVIDER[/wpsm_numhead]
You can choose your “company & trust service provider”. Remember that you have to verify the provider on mtr.km.ee website. Every company that offers company registration services in Estonia needs be provided with license number by the Financial Intelligence Unit. Eesticonsulting.ee has issued license number: FIU000310. More information you will find in About us website.
[wpsm_numhead num=”3″ style=”2″ heading=”2″]LEGAL ADDRESS[/wpsm_numhead]
Estonian legal address is required by law for the purpose of the company registration. Every company is treated as an Estonian legal resident. Eesticonsulting.ee offers the legal address for your Estonian corporation in the heart of Tallinn. We charge you grounds of the annual subscription. More about virtual office services here.
[wpsm_numhead num=”4″ style=”2″ heading=”2″]CONTACT PERSON[/wpsm_numhead]
Estonian Commercial Code § 63 stipulates that if the board of directors reside out of Estonia, “contact person” needs be appointed in this situation. We provide Contact person service, especially for nonresidents. If you won’t appoint a contact person, your firm won’t is registered.
[wpsm_numhead num=”5″ style=”2″ heading=”2″]BANKING[/wpsm_numhead]
Did you hear a story about opening a bank account in Estonia for nonresidents? A lot of advisories tell: It is not possible – really – don’t try. Believe us. We have documented the experience and positive track record. We will try to advise you how to open an Estonian bank account and PSP provider.
On December 12, 2019, the Estonian parliament approved a law that applies to companies providing virtual currency wallet service or exchanging virtual currency against fiat currency.
Companies that have licenses issued must implement new procedures by July 1, 2020. Otherwise, the Financial Intelligence Unit may revoke their licenses – says Paweł Krok from Eesticonsulting.ee.
A company that wants to obtain a license for an exchange office and a currency portfolio must provide no criminal record proof and a CV for all members of the company. Everyone involved must present a copy of the passport certified by a notary public, as well as the AML procedure as before. A company should set up a bank account in Estonia or any EEA country. Share capital should be at least EUR 12,000. The non-monetary contribution is not allowed. The company should have its own office and management on the territory of the Republic of Estonia. For new applicants – the cost of the license will change from 345 to 3300 EUR. Time for consideration of the application is 60 days. Foreign companies can establish a branch in Estonia and apply for a license from this level.
Since February 2020, new solutions are entering Estonia, which are aimed at facilitating many activities that until now had to take place in a notary office.
Notaries can perform remote verification of clients remotely. A person who wants to use this solution must have an Estonian e-Residency (e-ID) or Mobil-ID card, Google Chrome browser with the appropriate plug, as well as an internet connection with a speed of about 30Mbit / s.
If a person wants to make a notarial deed – they must log into E-Notary and be in the room alone without company. If the transaction concerns several people – each of them must be in a separate room.
The notary public always decides whether the transaction will take place – the transaction may be interrupted at any time.
The Estonian system uses biometric face recognition technology – https://www.veriff.com/. The solutions were financed from the European Union’s Structural Fund and the budget of the Chamber of Notaries.
For people who do not have an e-ID or e-Residency card – service in Estonian embassies is available in the following cities:
Are you digital nomad worker and would you like to stay in Estonia up to 12 months? Starting from 1 August you may apply for digital nomad visa for remote workers.
Who can apply?
You need meet all following recrutiments:
You can work independent of your location
You can deliver your work services remotely using internet
You are employeed by the company registered outside of Estonia, conduct business through your own company registered abroad or work as a freelancer for clients mostly outside of Estonia.
You have possibility to provide authorities with the evidence that confirm the minimum threshold (€3504) during the six months before the application.
Type C for short stay – state fee is: 80€
Type D for long stay – state fee is: 100€
E-MONEY License in Lithuania – payment institution.
The electronic money institution – called often EMI license or E money license – is a regulated financial institution whose purpose is to provide services related to electronic money and payment services.
The full license for E-Money is not limited in time or type of activity. A company that has a license of an electronic money institution in Lithuania can provide any services in the European Economic Area (EEA) without having to obtain a position in another EU country. After obtaining a license in Lithuania, an electronic money institution may provide services in other EEA Member States by establishing branches.
The kind of services that require a license in Lithuania
services enabling cash to be placed on a payment account as well as all operations necessary for operating a payment account;
services enabling cash withdrawals from a payment account, as well as all operations required for operating a payment account;
execution of payment transactions, including the transfer of funds to a payment account with the payment service provider of the payment service user or with another payment service provider: execution of payment orders, including one-off payment orders, execution of payment transactions through a payment card or similar device and / or execution of transfer orders, including standing orders;
execution of payment transactions, in which funds are covered by a credit line for a payment service user: execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits, execution of payment transactions using a payment card or similar device and / or execution of a transfer order, including standing orders;
issuing and / or acquiring payment instruments;
money orders;
execution of payment transactions in which the payer agrees to perform a payment transaction using any telecommunications terminal equipment, digital or IT device, and the payment is made to the telecommunications network operator or IT system operator, acting only as an intermediary between the supplier of goods or services and the payment service user.
Capital for EMI / PSP / EMONEY license
Option 1: Not less than EUR 20,000 if the payment institution intends to provide only money transfer services – transfers – “money transfer services”
Option 2:Not less than EUR 50,000 if the institution intends to provide payment initiation services
Option 3: Not less than EUR 125,000 if the institution will provide services from the following catalog:
“Service enabling cash to be placed on a payment account as well as all operations required for operating a payment account”
“Service enabling cash withdrawals from a payment account as well as all operations required to operate a payment account”
“Payment transactions, including transfers of funds to a payment account at the institution of a payment service provider or payment service user or at the institution of another payment service provider, direct debits, payment transactions via a payment card or similar charging device or the execution of credit transfers, including standing orders “
“Payment transactions in which funds are covered by a credit line for a payment service user, execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits, execution of payment transactions by means of a payment card or similar device or transfer order, including standing orders”
“Issue of payment instruments or acquisition of payment transactions”
EMI license procedure
The collected documents will be considered by the Lithuanian central bank about 3 months from the date of submission and a decision will be issued by the Lithuanian central bank.
In the event that any formal deficiencies as to form and content are identified, the bank will ask for the missing information or the corrected form in accordance with regulatory requirements. In this case, the consideration process may be extended.
EU e-money license in Lithuania STEP BY STEP
We present the following steps to obtain the EU E-money license from Lithuania called often EMI LICENSE You will have acces to all European Countries based on 1 license coming from Lithuania.
Certificate of incorporation
Power of attorney ( notarial deed)
Register of shareholders
Drafting of the articles of association
Beneficial owners list
Technical documentation of new fintech company
Company income statement over the last few years
UBO income statement for the last few years
Directors of the company
CV and professional experience
AML certificates
Current procedures regarding company wallet accounts
Fintech business plan
Company organizational structure
IT security – schemes
Financial forecasts in the form of schametes
Opening a bank account
Registration for VAT
Contract for accounting and financial statements
AML KYC CTS training
Risk management
Meeting with bank representatives
11 benefits of PSP license in Lithuania:
The company’s management board does not have to be residents of Lithuania
Company formation begins only after the license has been granted.
License application submitted without setting up a company.
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Preparation of documentation in English
Access to the IBAN system – every customer will receive an IBAN account.
7) PSD2
Implementation of PSD2 enabling payment initiation service (PIS) and account information service (AIS).
Remote KYC customer verification thanks to automated technologies. The customer does not have to come to the facility to open an account – examples of Lithuanian websites are: Paysera or Mistertango.
Direct access to the single payment area in EUR in the SEPA system
Do business throughout the European Union based on one license issued by a Lithuanian bank. Did you know that Google also has a Lithuanian license
No financial penalties for the first year for minor infringements of entrepreneurs operating on the regulated market.
Our fees
You will be charged for the plan after the admin approves your vendor account.
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