There are 3 ways of setting up company in Estonia:
- FOR E-RESIDENCY CARD HOLDERS – This way is dedicated especially for e-Residency card holders. Company formation remotely from your home country.
- COME TO TALLINN AND GO TO THE LOCAL NOTARY – We will assist you if you come to Tallinn. Ask our staff about setting up of appointment in the notary office for company formation purpose.
- STAY AT HOME AND PROVIDE US WITH PROXY – Issue Power of Attorney in the form of notarial deed in your country of living. Arrange courier postage and let us act in your name for company registration in Estonia.
1. Collect basic information about the company. Decide how many shareholders and directors there will be in the company. Select the subject of activity and decide if the share capital (2500 EUR minimum) will be paid or you will use a non-monetary contribution.
Here you can check if the company name is available –
Here you can check the classification of the subject of activity The company name must end with OU – known as osaühing or OÜ.
It is necessary to select a registration address in Estonia – a virtual office and a “contact person” – a legal person required if the board is outside of Estonia. The fee for the registration address and contact person is paid every year. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our packages.
Our company formation packages are visible here:
Registration to VAT taxation can be volountary in the event the custommer will decide to register to VAT from incorporation date. In the event when business transactions exceeds 40 000 euros from the begining of calender year, the OU company needs to be VAT registered obligatory.
The company director is required to submit an application for VAT registration to the EMTA. In the case of voluntary registration – the tax office may ask the client about his clients and the connection with Estonia. In order to issue an EE VAT number – the office sometimes asks for contracts with contractors, invoices or commercial correspondence.
There is no stamp duty for VAT registration. Here you can find VAT registration forms from EMTA directly:
Opening an account in Estonia does not have to be difficult. We work with SWEDBANK and LHV banks – we represent our clients and help prepare for meetings with banquets.
The customer may wish to open a bank account outside of Estonia. In this situation, we have prepared an offer for countries such as Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Switzerland or Great Britain.
Many customers want to open an account on PSP – Payment Service Providers such as Transferwise or Revolut. Cryptocurrency companies (with issued license) do not have an easy way to open an account, which is why we have a specially prepared offer for high-risk businesses here.